Word of the Month

Resilience. This is the word I chosen to be my motto for the rest of the month. I am a person that usually let things that happen in the past still upset me, even if they happened years ago. It might have been something someone said, something I did or thought about, but regardless they are things that still keep me up at night. Therefore, I wanted to stop this and decided to incorporate the idea of resilience into my life.

As defined by dictionary.com Resilience is the idea of returning make to original form after being bent or compressed or simply bouncing back after illness or adversity etc.

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I find this word to be both inspiring and hopeful because it's about not letting weaknesses or problems tear you down but rather using them as stepping stones to improve and grow as a person. 🌱

More so, I been able to apply resilience to numerous people that looked up to:

1)  J.K. Rowling
Even though her first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, was rejected numerous times by publishers, she continued to send it to different companies until one of them picked it up. It is now arguably the most popular and successful series in recent history.

2) Dan Jansen
After failing to bring home a medal after three Olympics he kept competing and preserving to win his gold during is fourth and final one.

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